Wednesday 16 November 2011

Cabinet To Approve Increase In Electricity Tariff, Curse On You Politicians

In order to get $2 billion in aid from the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, the federal cabinet has decided to raise electricity tariff by 4 percent for all consumers, According to media reports, the cabinet will seek approval for this decision during Wednesday’s meeting.This will be the first increase in the proposed 14 percent increase in the electricity tariff for the current fiscal year. The remaining 10 percent will be passed on to consumers by April 1, 2012.

Why increase again in the Electricity Tariff? why they are taking aid from World Bank and Asian Development Bank they are taking aid from World Bank and Asian Development Bank just to their luxurious life.they don't  have any concern with Pakistan and Pakistan People.They just want to sale out Whole Pakistan.

Please Save Pakistan from these Stupid and Corrupt Political Parties and Please don't Cast your Vote to Pakistan People Party and Pakistan Muslim League in next coming Election otherwise there will be no Electricity and no food no water and nothing else for us. so please open your eyes and safe Pakistan.

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